Content Page items :P1_ITEM reference in sql /plsql on page designer(only) &P1_ITEM. Static Text (exact)Note: Exact substitution syntax should be avoided in SQL or PL/SQL code because it can result in SQL Injection vulnerabilities #P1_ITEM# template v(‘P1_ITEM’), nv(‘P1_ITEM’) – ! it is not deterministic function , can lead to performance issue on heavy queries on…
Switch Between APEX builder Authentication schemes
when on OCI internal workspace, first thing you should be doing after you switch authentication is create users that can access internal workspace other than the ADMIN account. It is possible that you are forever logged out and need to do a db rollback….

Use BitBucket Pipelines to Automate Oracle APEX deployment
Branch Strategy Runners Create bitbucket-pipelines.yml here is an example of a feature branch and with explainations. Tagging in pipeline How flyway works? SQLcl to export / install APEX applications To be able to install an exported application, the apex parsing schema need to have such role “APEX_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE”
Fix Errors During WordPress migrations
change 2 things To check apache Error logs to debug. /WP-ADMIN too many redirects WordPress asking for my FTP credentials to install plugins WordPress plugin install: Could not create directory “Too many redirects” when trying to access wp-admin page
Recent chatgpt project
I utilize a combination of ChatGPT functions, the Assistant API, Replit, Python, and Voiceflow to achieve the following tasks:
Oracle Instance only reachable via 22 , no other ports are reachable solution
Recently, when I create a new instance in OCI, i can only reach it via 22. It is caused by iptables now are install and enabled on default . YOu can choose either remove iptables once for all , or add rules each time when you openning new ports. I choose to remove it, else…
How to host Jupyter notebook in docker in your own network
Running a notebook server — Jupyter Notebook 5.6.0 documentation (

Oracle OCI console Social Sign On with Microsoft and Google
Be aware that this is done on an Always Free Account in September 2023 why this is important to know in advance: OCI is change so rapidly, it might not be working the same way a year later Goal: soical sign-on for both Microsoft and Google Azure, Google and OCI Microsoft (azure) For Microsoft, we…