React js Learning Notes
useState useEffect useMemo useRef useContext useReducer useCallBack useLayoutEffect
Oracle APEX Mail Relay Docker
It seems that APEX 23.1.0 made some changes to its smtp mail settings. I was no longer able to use straight smtp setting from my mail server. This behavior is also on APEX on ATP. For mail services on ATP, I use oracle oci mail service. It requires some setting on my dns settings. It…
Linux Nano Cheat Sheets
General Alt + N to show line number Alt + P to show whitespaces Copy Paste ALT + A To set cursor : Arrow key Move setted cursor ALT + 6 to copy Copy CTRL + U Paste CTRL + K to delete / cut entire line Copy Entire Line Ctrl + A to go…
Docker Cheat Sheet
# docker ps -a To list containers To list all containers To list images To delete a image To commit a running container to an image To list volumes To inspect volumns To inspect containers To build a new image To run container To mount volume To back volume To sping a new docker with…
ORDS 23.1 For Autonomous Database in Docker
First create custom ords and plsql gateway user with ADMIN user in OCI ATP. Dockerfile jdk… Wallet_*.zip Docker File $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 are placeholders for USER_NAME_ADMIN=$1 USER_NAME_ORDS=$2 USER_NAME_GATEWAY=$3 WALLET_LOCATION=$4 #full path SERVICE_NAME=$5 PWD_ADMIN=$6 PWD_ORDS=$7 PWD_PLSQL=$8 Read more about this syntax Download Target ATP wallet and place it in…
Database link Between OCI Autonomous Database
Say you would like to create DB link between 2 Autonomous Database in OCI DB1 and DB2. Assume DB1 want to query data from DB2 Create New Database Directory on DB1 Next, we need to create 2 credentials. 1 is used to access Bucket, 1 is used for storing schema@pwd to DB2 Credentials to Access…
React Native Notes
Get Oauth2Token use axios get Oauth2 token with fetch
Project Notes: Whisper + APEX + Python+React+ LEARN DUTCH APP
here is the semi finished outcome. The Why: I am learning Dutch, I listen to a lot of BNR news on my 2.5 to 3 hours drive from home to office and back. I feel like that I understand a lot of the content but at same time miss a lot of the context….
Oracle Database Local Installation Wallet For HTTPs Calls
This should be used only for local installations, if you have OCI ATP, wallet should work out of the box. I do know that there is a gitRepo that does a download of all certs there are, however It only worked for my Docker DB instance , not a DB in a VM. Therefore, I…