This method is tested working flawlessly with 69.000 files,120 gb size in total.
Install OCI CLI on your local machine where you planning to upload the folders and files ( following this guide Mac Version)
After Installation, Setting up the Configuration File
oci setup config
Here , it requires your
- user OCID
- Tenancy OCID
- It will generate a new key pair of use an existing one if you have it already ( do be aware that one OCI user can only have max 3 API keys created, so do consider user existing key)
After configuration, you can chose to upload your public key to that user (OCID) -> API keys -> add New-> upload Public Key
Run a quick test by list all objects from bucket named “public”
oci os object list --bucket-name public
At this point, have a good read on the official doc is recommanded. Things are changing fast on OCI, so have the official doc at hands is always good.
Session Token
Another way is via session token.
# for host where browser is available
$ oci session authenticate
# for host where NO browser is available,you first need to a host with browser
1. authenticate on a pc with browser
$ oci session authenticate
2. Export profile
$ oci session export --profile <profile_name> --output-file <output_filename>
3. scp to the host without browser
4. import
$ oci session import --session-archive <path_to_exported_zip>
To refresh a token
oci session refresh --profile <profile_name>
I don’t really read anywhere how long the session stays valid. However, my experience tells me that it is at least 8 hours. Or probably each $ oci commands will refresh the token.
Once your session is established. Run the following code
oci os object bulk-upload -ns ${mynamespace} -bn ${mybucket} --src-dir ${path/to/upload/directory} --overwrite > logfile.txt
# --overwrite flag overwrites files with the same name in the target bucket
# > logfile.txt , it will pipe all console outputs to a file call logfile.txt ( optional )
Read more about this code from official guide here.